Sunday, November 25, 2007

a GOOD versus BEST post

Okay, here's something to fill in the void between the real posts:
I finally decided to check my Facebook account after a long hiatus, and this is what greeted me:

...and this is only a part of the list after I went through and hit the ignore option for several invitations to groups and events, most of which whose appeal I barely understood ("'___' wants to invite you to rate how alike you are! Click Here!" How tempting.).

I barely have time to blog, let alone take time to explore the possibilities lurking behind a hotness request (which, I'm sorry to admit, was pretty much the only one I was even remotely interested in checking out. I can be really shallow sometimes.)

In conclusion, I really have no other point here than to marvel at the amount of time a person could potentially waste on Facebook.

So here's your PSA for the evening:
You only get today once, and you'll probably be dead in less than 60 years, so why not do something lasting with it?* (Isn't that a happy thought?)

*The hint: In other words, accepting that werewolf invitation may not be the best use of your time.

Monday, November 19, 2007

I did it!

The cord is cut!

After months of procrastination, I have finally broken myself of my almost crack-like addiction to myspace.

It wasn't even like I was logged in all that much; it was just that my myspace page was one more website with my personal information that I needed to check and keep updated, and trust me, all that time adds up. Tonight I decided that enough was enough.

So there.

Considering all of the many areas in which I need to experience some personal growth, it's nice to feel some satisfaction about something even as small as this.

Watch out, facebook. You're next.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Guess who turns 23 today?

...I am surely one of the all time most blessed men of all time