Thursday, April 24, 2008

My life right now

A sample itinerary in inner monologue form for all you folks wondering where all my posts went:

~ 5:30 am ... Wake up. 
Freak out because you have less than a month until your wedding. 
Calm down.
Work on wedding stuff until time to leave for work (the quiet time goes somewhere in here usually).
~ 8:30 am ... Make phone calls while driving.
Church stuff until lunch
~ 12:30 ... Insert wedding stuff and possible meal here (with phone calls thrown in for good measure).
~ 2 PM ... Return to church and edit/schedule/shoot/produce/design/yank out hair until dinner time.
~ 8 PM ... Find food while working on/thinking about wedding stuff.
~ 9 PM ... Go see Stephanie and remember why I'm doing all this.
~ 11 PM ... Go home and work some more on wedding stuff or random posts so people know you're alive. Try to carve out time for silence and stillness so you don't go crazy.
~ 2 AM ... Sleep.

Throw in meetings, location shoots, planning/teaching college ministry, seeing my fiancé, and the occasional bathroom break, and it's a wonder that I'm still able to function sometimes...however, considering the fact that I get to marry Stephanie when all's said and done, I'd say that it's worth it.

29 days, people. 29 days.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I will be married in 34 days. 

That is all.

(insert barely-contained glee)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Okay I'm not gonna lie to you...(LOL), the only reason I'm blogging is because Miggie brought a wireless card and Phil is taking a shower before we head off to the convention for day two (for the seven of us that arrived yesterday) of the awesomeness.

I don't have time to give the full rundown, so bullet points will have to do:

*The convention is still too big to take in even though we have four days here.
*We met The Real Nick Jones, along with Mark Dawson and Warren Hough from a great group of guys!
*The Monte Carlos is about 60 1/2 times better than the Stratosphere was last time I was here

...Uh oh, it's time for breakfast...catch you later!

*is awesomeness even a word? I dunno...I'm using it anyway

Friday, April 11, 2008

Editing break

Check out what I found during my creative break today!

I liked this song full band, but with the one acoustic guitar it sounds sick! Wait until the 2:21 mark...then you'll see what I mean...

Hat tip: Ian & Phil for discovering it for pointing me in the right direction!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Easter Recap '08

12 tapes, 7 volunteers, and three days worth of editing later...

Easter '08 Recap from Flamingo Road Church on Vimeo.

Equipment: Canon XL-1 {} Sony HVR-A1U {} Panasonic AVG DVX-100B {} Panasonic Handicam from Best buy {} Apple Motion {} Final Cut.
Peeps: Luis, Javy, Evan, Stacey, Jeff, Maria,Alex, Ian, & Phil. Heredes brought food (and direction :).

If you feel left out of the loop, I'm sorry

If you're in any way involved or planning on attending either of Stephanie and I's wedding ceremonies, you should pop on over to our website and check the blog over there for regular might miss some important travel info without meaning to. 

And besides, it's a pretty sick website for a guy who's never designed one before (Thankyou, iWeb!). 

Sunday, April 06, 2008

There's your sign

I can tell when my life has become a little too tightly structured when I find myself awake at 1:00 AM on a Saturday cruising blogs just because I need some kind of unscheduled time to let my mind wander to things besides work and wedding planning...I was going to take a walk around my neighborhood, but that would involve the putting on of shoes, and frankly, playing guitar sounds like a better option, so there I go.

I think I need to go camping...

Before I depart, props to:
-Stacie for the insightful letter from God.
-Evan for having a blog
-Heredes for pointing me to John Mayer's blog (bookmark!)
-Wagonsdeep for getting me all fired up about what's possible in this business.
-J. Budziszewski...I haven't read office hours in ages and forgot how much I enjoy his writing.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


Thursdays for me are always cool days in that I get to experience the novelty of actually putting my degree to work.

Most days are spent in media producer land, but on Thursdays I give saxophone lessons in the afternoon, and today I was reminded once again of why I love teaching.

Sam hit her first G above high F#, which officially puts her two notes into the altissimo range on her horn. On its own it's impressive, but in the context of the last six months of working towards something she's never done and seeing what seemed like little to no results for months on end, it's huge. And she's not even in high school.

Anyway, I mention it only to draw attention to the point of it all: persistence matters.


Last night I was in the middle of one of those great 2:00 AM phone conversations with Stephanie when a really neat realization struck me.

I have the ability to to make Stephanie the happiest fiancé in the world.

Now, that's a neat privilege.