Monday, August 25, 2008


My wife plays Rock Band.....that is so hot!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why the FRC Media Team loves the office staff

I have to admit, we media guys get lonely sometimes. We're in an entirely different building than pretty much everyone else on staff, so when everyone else is celebrating a birthday or freaking out because someone's water broke in the middle of a meeting (which hasn't happened yet, by the way), we continue to edit video behind our glowing screens, blissfully oblivious to all the action that happens next door.

But not today, because today, we got brownies!

Much love to Beverly, who is Garland's assistant and our current favorite person in the office (behind Vicky, who writes our paychecks)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Could Mauricio pull this off?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Thursday, August 14, 2008

More than a Game

Whew! Sorry for the lack of posting lately, things have been happening a mile a minute here in my world. I've actually been doing more journaling on my own than posting, mainly because there are a lot of things I'm thinking through right now, some of which I'm sure will end up showing up on this page in the near future. 

In the meanwhile, here is the giving video from last week:

Pretty sweet, huh?
Well, that was only the beginning, because we now have a Pre-teaching video (that's the video we use for set changes right before Pastor Troy comes onstage to bring the Word) that we've got to design for the upcoming series that has that same gritty feel.
Fortunately for us, we've got musical fusion-making maniacs like Pastor Brian Fuller who make this easy for us video guys by producing tracks that are so good, they make you want to slap your grandma.

You can listen to it here.

Man, I love this job!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I just stuck my toes into

...the twitter pool...I may have a new addition to that sidebar on the right pretty soon...

Monday, August 04, 2008


I am soooooo glad that this has never happened to Pastor Troy

Here's the gist of it:

KKOKOMO, Ind. - A pastor brought out a dirt bike during a church service to demonstrate the concept of unity. Now he's demonstrating the concept of healing.

Jeff Harlow, the senior pastor at Crossroads Community Church, broke his wrist when he lost control of the motorcycle at the start of Sunday's second service, driving off a 5-foot platform and into the vacant first row of seats. He underwent surgery on the wrist Monday.

"Jeff has already laughed a lot, so he's OK. I think his pride was bruised," said his wife, Becky.
Indeed. I'm really glad he's okay and that no one got hurt. Still, the part of me that will garner angry emails for saying the following can't help thinking about the kinds of things that could happen as Pastors continue to get more creative with stage props. Maybe we can start calling them Stunt Pastors. It will be a new kind of extreme sport :-p