Saturday, February 14, 2009

3 Months later...

We are now three months into my unannounced blog hiatus.
I've been asked a couple of times about it since November, but really didn't feel a need to explain since it seemed like it would only be a temporary lapse.
Now that I'm fairly certain that it's going to be a while still before you hear from me in blog form, here's a short answer so that you're not put in the dark unnecessarily.
Simply put, I haven't blogged because I'm not really convinced that at this moment, I can do it to a level that would add sufficient value to my readers.

In the limited time I devote to this blog, I think I've done okay, but I know that if this had a little more direction, a clear focus on something more useful to everyone out there than just me and my opinion, it could be really great.

Oh, there's plenty to talk about, all kinds of wonderful things going on, and my mind and heart are as engaged in the journey as ever, but in light of all the great minds and wordsmiths in the blogosphere far wiser and more focused that I could ever be, it seems a little pretentious to me to be meandering along every three days racking my brain to figure out a witty post title on a Wednesday morning when there are so many other places out there that are saying pretty much the same kinds of things I am.

I've just started realizing lately that I'm better off spending what little time I have getting better at what I'm called to do, rather than doing something because everyone else on staff is doing it (Now would be a good time to note that I don't mean to say that no one should have a personal blog, just that for this moment in my life, it no longer feels like the best use of my time). I'm not always this disciplined in other areas of my personal development (I've got leaders in my life who are nodding as they read this), but everyone's got to start somewhere.

You may see more here one of these days with a new header or a different direction, but for now, consider me on a blog hiatus.

Thanks for visiting.
