Saturday, August 25, 2007

I am counseled

Hooray for having a functional relationship!

Today was pre-marital counseling session number one for my beloved and I, and it went really well!
I mean, I was pretty positive from the start that it was going to be a good time, but validation is always nice, and that's how it went. I think my favorite part was Steph and I telling our story together again. It feels like it's been a while since the last time we got to share it together; that rush of emotional recall that comes with each telling reminds me of how special what we have really is. I was reminded of all of the fantastic coincidences (we call them divine appointments) that brought us together in a way neither of us could ever have planned, and it was a clarion reminder that we really are meant for each other.

We've talked before about our occasional doubts and the fears that tagged along when we made our decision to get married, and for someone who lives in his head as much as I do, who is as prone to dwelling and over-analysis as I am, those can be hard to dislodge at times.

Which is why I love nights like these, that remind me of the important things.

PS: While we're on the subject of relationships and important things, anyone in a serious relationship could definitely benefit from articles like this one.

1 comment:

Heather Palacios said...

great post and your blog looks very groovy, man!! Props 2 ya!