Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Launch party! The Launch Party!

Man, I love Sunday afternoons.
It's that tranquil little oasis of time in between the morning services and the evening services. The two to three hour period doesn't give me enough time to start any in-depth projects or do anything that requires me to drive more than a few miles from church, and Stephanie often works on the weekends, so I'm usually left with time to spend either napping or reading, or, in this case, blogging while listening to the soundtrack from Peter Jackson's remake of King Kong.
(So who cares if most of it feels like it was taken directly from Dvorak and Stravinsky? Speaking of which, if you know any serious classically trained musicians who know their stuff, you can have a very cool and possibly very spirited conversation about why most pop and cinema music sounds the way that it does and who ripped off what style and/or chord progression from Solomon used to say, there is nothing new under the sun.

Just a little extra info I thought I'd throw in, free of charge)

Soooo...I am so excited to talk to my fiancé today. I really am.
The day before yesterday I started reading the book Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, and it has turned on some major light bulbs for me, especially in the area of my approach toward her in general. Anyway, I'm eager to test out all the neat stuff I'm learning, which may or may not go over well (although I think it will), but in any case, I'm pumped now, and that's the important part.

Anywho, I'm going to res a little and double-check my equipment for tonight. In case you hadn't gotten a chance to click on that odd-looking banner with the goldfish to your right, tonight is the launch party, and it is going to be HUGE.
Log on and see.
For now, here's the promo spot we showed this weekend:

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