Thursday, April 24, 2008

My life right now

A sample itinerary in inner monologue form for all you folks wondering where all my posts went:

~ 5:30 am ... Wake up. 
Freak out because you have less than a month until your wedding. 
Calm down.
Work on wedding stuff until time to leave for work (the quiet time goes somewhere in here usually).
~ 8:30 am ... Make phone calls while driving.
Church stuff until lunch
~ 12:30 ... Insert wedding stuff and possible meal here (with phone calls thrown in for good measure).
~ 2 PM ... Return to church and edit/schedule/shoot/produce/design/yank out hair until dinner time.
~ 8 PM ... Find food while working on/thinking about wedding stuff.
~ 9 PM ... Go see Stephanie and remember why I'm doing all this.
~ 11 PM ... Go home and work some more on wedding stuff or random posts so people know you're alive. Try to carve out time for silence and stillness so you don't go crazy.
~ 2 AM ... Sleep.

Throw in meetings, location shoots, planning/teaching college ministry, seeing my fiancé, and the occasional bathroom break, and it's a wonder that I'm still able to function sometimes...however, considering the fact that I get to marry Stephanie when all's said and done, I'd say that it's worth it.

29 days, people. 29 days.


Stacie said...

Crazy. So when do you plan your wedding? Didn't see that on the schedule... :D

Mauricio said...

@ Stacie. I'll pencil it in right there next to throwing things at IT girls named Stacie.

Evan said...


SmilingSally said...

Pleeease stop making calls while driving as I'm on the road too!