Sunday, April 06, 2008

There's your sign

I can tell when my life has become a little too tightly structured when I find myself awake at 1:00 AM on a Saturday cruising blogs just because I need some kind of unscheduled time to let my mind wander to things besides work and wedding planning...I was going to take a walk around my neighborhood, but that would involve the putting on of shoes, and frankly, playing guitar sounds like a better option, so there I go.

I think I need to go camping...

Before I depart, props to:
-Stacie for the insightful letter from God.
-Evan for having a blog
-Heredes for pointing me to John Mayer's blog (bookmark!)
-Wagonsdeep for getting me all fired up about what's possible in this business.
-J. Budziszewski...I haven't read office hours in ages and forgot how much I enjoy his writing.


Stacie said...

thanks for the props!

Evan said...

Hey! I got props! Thanks