Sunday, July 20, 2008

What I'm doing right now....

I've discovered a new hobby that I probably should have gotten into a long time ago: Web hunting for other college ministries.
I have the privilege of working with and for people who believe with all their hearts that if you're going to invest time doing something, you may as well knock it out of the park (and when it comes to what we do each weekend, you'd better).
I am also in the fun position of being in charge of a college ministry that is larger and more successful than anything I've ever led thus far and has more possibilities than I can legibly write down in the short amount of time I'm taking to post this, so, having come to the conclusion that it's more fun to learn from other people's mistakes so that you can make your own and not theirs, I am now jumping from website to website trying to find people who know more than me so I can bother them or buy them lunch, whichever comes first (Rich Wilkerson Jr., I'm looking in your direction).

So tell me, who's mistakes are you trying to learn from?

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