Extended periods of silence on this blog usually mean craziness in the editing world, and this entire month pretty much proves that. That being said, in four days, the cat will be out of the bag, as it were, and all the awesomeness will be revealed! (Awesomeness...what a great made-up word..)
Anywho, until then, here's a message from Pastor Troy!
Don't miss this Weekend! from Flamingo Road Church on Vimeo.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Only four days left!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Experiments in HD
Sooo....we've started using what little space we've got on our one P2 card to film small promo spots in HD for TV, and here is our first fully HD spot...maybe someday I'll post the early experiments that have people tinted in funny colors with pieces of their bodies cut off by the camera.
Mad props to our spokeswoman Ana and to Phil Lashley, our resident After Effects ninja, who made the killer background.
FRC-192 Cutaway Intro - Ana from Mauricio Tinoco on Vimeo.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
I soooo don't look this cool in real life
Bryan from NBphotographix came by church this week to take some headshots of the staff here to be a part of an art project....this is one of the many results:
It's my 30 year old twin!
Labels: random thoughts, shameless endorsement
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A prophetic word?
HT to Candice Watters, contributor from The Boundless Line, who quoted this in an article centered around a great explanation on our current economic situation over at Tony Woodleif's blog (who may have got it from someone else, but that's as far as I can keep track of where credit is due on this one).
This was written in 1897:
A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.
-Alexander Tyler
...And from the looks of what I'm reading and seeing in the news, the cycle is in full swing.
Labels: random thoughts
Monday, October 13, 2008
Thanks, Mr. Spencer
It's an emo night...I can feel it. Sometimes it just hits me, this mentally-and-emotionally drained kind of frustration with where things are at the moment. Even Heroes had that kind of Ecclesiastes kind of vibe to it, all the characters running around trying to make a difference and never really getting anywhere (and what was the deal with Peter starting to use Sylar's power and attacking his own mother like that? Craziness!). Guilty pleasures aside, it's the Dip, as Seth Godin puts it.
The only reason I mention it is because I frequently need to be reminded more than I need to be informed when times like these come around, and posts like this one help keep things in perspective for me. You should definitely check out that link and see his site if you haven't...I just quoted the whole post here because I liked it. If I've still got this blog when I've gotten over the self-consciousness of baring my soul on the internet, you'll be seeing more of this kind of honesty in the stuff I write. At the moment, though, I can totally identify with what he's saying.
Some Christians love to talk about the sins of Obama or gays or the mainstream media, but get really animated when I suggest we need to talk about our own, even if they are listed in the Bible dozens of times.
If the Gospel isn’t grabbing you by the real sins in your real life, just exactly what is the Gospel doing for you? Or you with it?
I don’t like the fact that I can give a really good talk on prayer when I rarely pray.
I don’t like it that I can read Matthew 5:23-24 and, as far as I can recall, never take a single step toward obeying it.
I don’t like that I can sin and then condemn someone else’s sin in almost the same breath.
I don’t like it that I’m convinced people need to understand me, but I take so little time to understand others.
I regret that I’ve spent so much of my life seeking to make myself happy in ways that never led to real happiness at all.
I don’t like it that I’ve accumulated so much stuff I don’t need, and I’m so reluctant to give it away.
It causes me real sorrow that I’ve said “I love you” far to little in my life, especially to the people I love the most.
I don’t like the fact that some of my students think I’m a hero, when I’ve done nothing more than be an unprofitable servant.
I hate the difference between what I know and what I do.
I hate the fact that I can use words like “radical” describing what others should do in following Jesus when I’m the first one to want to play it safe.
I don’t like that part of me that thinks everyone should listen to what I say.
I wish I could see myself as God sees me, both in my sinfulness and in the Gospel of Jesus.
I regret using so little of my life’s time, energy and resources for worship and communion with God.
I despise that part of me that always finds fault, and uses that knowledge to put myself above others.
I am embarrassed by the words I use that come so easily from the tongue but have little root in the heart.
I regret taking so few risks in the cause of living a God-filled life.
I despise the shallowness of my repentance for sin that has caused hurt and pain for others.
I don’t like that part of me that can make up an excuse, even lie, almost endlessly in the cause of avoiding the truth and its consequences.
I don’t like that I can talk of heaven in a sermon or at a funeral, but very little of me wants to go there.
I regret that I have loved my arrogant self far than I’ve loved my self humbled in Christ.
I regret that so much good advice, good teaching and good example was wasted on me.
But I am glad for the endless mercies of the Lord, and the amazing fact that those mercies extend to me, today and every day.
I am glad that Christ my substitute took this sorry life, pathetic obedience and lethargic worship and exchanged it for his perfect righteousness.
I am glad that the Holy Spirit is remaking and raising dead men- even at age 52.
I am glad that one day I will look at all these failures and regrets and they will have been transformed into the very glory of Jesus Christ himself.
I am glad that God has cast the very things I most dislike about myself into the depths of the sea and has removed them as far as the east is from the west.
I am glad that when I return in shame and embarrassment, my Father meets me running, covers me with his gladness and throws me a party in the presence of the naysayers and pharisees.
I am glad that Jesus takes these things I loathe about myself and says “It is finished. Come you good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Lord. Today you will be with me in paradise.”
I am glad Jesus says “Before I have called you servant, but now I will call you friend.”
I am glad Jesus says “Who condemns you? There is now no condemnation because you are in me and I am in you. If I am for you, who can be against you? Go, and sin no more.”
I'm glad, too.
Labels: exploration of self, random thoughts
Friday, October 10, 2008
Prepare to be inspired
Carlos Lascano somehow managed to compress Steph and I's story into a two minute video!
...Or at least this is how I would romanticize it if I had put this together. Seriously, though, this is worth watching a couple of times. I'm proud to be able to work in the same field as guys like this:
A SHORT LOVE STORY IN STOP MOTION from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo.
...And it was done mostly with cardboard, paper, and wires. You can read here about how he put it together. Enjoy!
Labels: event, random thoughts, update
Monday, September 29, 2008
As Mauricio and I are sitting down watching CNN's Anderson Coopers's 360 show have discussions about the bailout being rejected and covering Sarah Palin's campaign (discussing it heavily) especially as the vice presidential debates gets closer this Thursday...
One of the commentators mentioned that part of the preparation for the debates is to have a mock-debate where they ask her questions and see how she will answer. They will take measures to ensure she is knowledgeable so she is able to answer "authentically" as opposed to being a puppet and having an advisor speak through her... Hmmmmm..... Now, please don't mistake this post with promoting one political party or candidate over another... it's definitely not about that!
But honestly, that comment is still echoing in my mind.... "she needs to answer authentically" Why? I found the comment very interesting especially considering the discussion tonight in Elevate. Why is authenticity so important during this presidential campaign? Do you trust the platform you're planning to vote on? Do you feel they're authentic enough that they've won your authentic vote? Think about it.... if you don't trust a candidate and feel they're genuine, then you probably won't buy into what they "so-called" represent. Its kind of similar to our relationship with Christ!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Falling Slowly
I can't believe it's taken me this long to discover The Swell Season...ah, well. Better late than never, I suppose...
Labels: random thoughts
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Adventures in Ministry
Okay, the just the facts:
1) This weekend, Flamingo Road Church brought over 20,000 pounds worth of water and supplies for Haiti relief.
2) We brought two trucks to collect the supplies. We should have brought four.
3) Supply trailers shouldn't be parked on soft grass, especially when they tip over while filled with a team of church volunteers (and 1 cameraman) packing it with water.
4) Now we are donating a crane
Thursday, September 11, 2008
What Ian likes to do while things are rendering...
*Actually, he does productive stuff all the time, I just happened to catch him in one of his stir-crazy moments after a really long day
Labels: ???
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Lifechange @ Flamingo
I would have posted this earlier, but I needed a few days to recover from the archives-raiding extravaganza that was last week's production schedule...Two days of frantic tape-raiding with eight volunteers and three playback stations running almost continuously (and we still have almost an entire wall of shelves full of tapes we hadn't gone through) yielded its prize: a sick look back at some of the most inspiring interviews profiling the life change that we get to be a part of on a daily basis at Flamingo.
We are a blessed little crew.
Life Change from Flamingo Road Church on Vimeo.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Why the FRC Media Team loves the office staff
I have to admit, we media guys get lonely sometimes. We're in an entirely different building than pretty much everyone else on staff, so when everyone else is celebrating a birthday or freaking out because someone's water broke in the middle of a meeting (which hasn't happened yet, by the way), we continue to edit video behind our glowing screens, blissfully oblivious to all the action that happens next door.
But not today, because today, we got brownies!
Much love to Beverly, who is Garland's assistant and our current favorite person in the office (behind Vicky, who writes our paychecks)
Labels: random thoughts
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
More Than a Game Epilogue
...and here is the finished product:
More Than a Game Trailer 02 from Flamingo Road Church on Vimeo.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
More than a Game
Whew! Sorry for the lack of posting lately, things have been happening a mile a minute here in my world. I've actually been doing more journaling on my own than posting, mainly because there are a lot of things I'm thinking through right now, some of which I'm sure will end up showing up on this page in the near future.
Pretty sweet, huh?
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
I just stuck my toes into
...the twitter pool...I may have a new addition to that sidebar on the right pretty soon...
Labels: random thoughts, update
Monday, August 04, 2008
I am soooooo glad that this has never happened to Pastor Troy.
KKOKOMO, Ind. - A pastor brought out a dirt bike during a church service to demonstrate the concept of unity. Now he's demonstrating the concept of healing.
Jeff Harlow, the senior pastor at Crossroads Community Church, broke his wrist when he lost control of the motorcycle at the start of Sunday's second service, driving off a 5-foot platform and into the vacant first row of seats. He underwent surgery on the wrist Monday.
"Jeff has already laughed a lot, so he's OK. I think his pride was bruised," said his wife, Becky.
Labels: culture, random thoughts
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Post F3 Report
It was a blast. Really.
Labels: update
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Si vous ple?, Part Two!
Okay, so last time I was digging through 2 Samuael 7 because it really spoke to what I was feeling after spending the evening at The Rendezvous, another college ministry that meets in town. I was thinking about it all and decided to blog it.
As a leader, I'm learning that my favorite people to work with are the ones who I don't have to chase after to get their job done. I would much rather redirect a person by giving minor course correction (or even pick them back up if they failed while trying) than to motivate someone who didn't have initiative in the first place, and I'm pretty sure that's one of those traits that God really liked about David.
Labels: event, exploration of self
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
The ugliest fish I've ever seen
This fish is so ugly, it's funny....this, I think, is proof that God has a sense of humor...
Labels: random thoughts
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Si vous ple?, part one
Labels: event, exploration of self, random thoughts
Back in the Day...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
What I'm doing right now....
I've discovered a new hobby that I probably should have gotten into a long time ago: Web hunting for other college ministries.
Labels: random thoughts
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Good thoughts on a Wednesday
Today has been a good day for blog roaming.
-Daniel Decker just got added to my RSS reader; he recently posted a video that is pretty much going to haunt me for the rest of the week.
Labels: shameless endorsement
Called it like it is
Today my bad blogging habits finally caught up to me.
Labels: shameless endorsement
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
BBS, or more accurately, The Perfect Groomsmen Gift
A few months ago, I was walking in a store called "Things Remembered" on an intense hunt for a gift for my groomsmen. Frustration. Everything I saw was (in my opinion) either cheesy or already had a cousin sitting in my desk drawer gathering dust from previous weddings I'd been a part of (monogrammed sterling silver bookmark, anyone?).
Plastic Cartridge Razors - 0
Labels: shameless endorsement
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
A month and two days later....
Alrighty, I've had a good solid month to try to adjust to the nearly indescribably (for me, anyway) profound life change that happened on May 23, and so now it's time to get back into blog world and start writing about it.
And so, I'm trying to train myself to see life the way God sees it, to understand that the moments I live in have a purpose attached, and that the notion that any aspect of my life is somehow disconnected from what God is doing in this world is a selfish myth.
Labels: exploration of self, marriage, update
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Hey gang,
Labels: marriage, random thoughts, update
Monday, May 12, 2008
Thought Avalanche
I am sitting in my room trying to wrap my brain around the events that have transpired over the last week, but it's not really working.
Labels: event, marriage, random thoughts, update
Thursday, May 08, 2008
only fifteen more days...
work, run, wedding, sleep, work, run, wedding, sleep, work, run, wedding, sleep.....
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Holy cow!
It's May 1!!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008
My life right now
Labels: marriage, random thoughts, update
Saturday, April 19, 2008
I will be married in 34 days.
Labels: marriage, random thoughts, update
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Okay I'm not gonna lie to you...(LOL), the only reason I'm blogging is because Miggie brought a wireless card and Phil is taking a shower before we head off to the convention for day two (for the seven of us that arrived yesterday) of the awesomeness.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Editing break
Check out what I found during my creative break today!
Labels: random thoughts, update
Monday, April 07, 2008
Easter Recap '08
12 tapes, 7 volunteers, and three days worth of editing later...
Easter '08 Recap from Flamingo Road Church on Vimeo.
If you feel left out of the loop, I'm sorry
If you're in any way involved or planning on attending either of Stephanie and I's wedding ceremonies, you should pop on over to our website and check the blog over there for regular updates...you might miss some important travel info without meaning to.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
There's your sign
I can tell when my life has become a little too tightly structured when I find myself awake at 1:00 AM on a Saturday cruising blogs just because I need some kind of unscheduled time to let my mind wander to things besides work and wedding planning...I was going to take a walk around my neighborhood, but that would involve the putting on of shoes, and frankly, playing guitar sounds like a better option, so there I go.
Labels: random thoughts
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Thursdays for me are always cool days in that I get to experience the novelty of actually putting my degree to work.
Labels: event, exploration of self, random thoughts
Last night I was in the middle of one of those great 2:00 AM phone conversations with Stephanie when a really neat realization struck me.
Labels: courtship, marriage, random thoughts
Friday, March 28, 2008
Hey there, kiddos...
I know, it's been ages since I've made a proper post...Easter will do that to you- correction, Easter while working in full-time ministry in the United States will do that to you.
Anywho, to sort of make up for it, I'm attaching a small diagram of various things I've been up to over the past few weeks (notice how all of it is church-related)
Graveyard Video-RationaLIES from Flamingo Road Church on Vimeo.
Friday, March 07, 2008
Saturday, March 01, 2008
I HEART my job...
Labels: ministry, random thoughts, update
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Oh my word....
Jesus Is: Remix is my new favorite album...you should all go to iTunes right now and download it and then play it many times.
The remix of "Where the Love Lasts Forever" is suh-weeeeet! Especially where they replaced the I-V-vi-V progression in the hook with the IV-V-vi, just to make it sound more hip...yeah, the song now sounds like about six other trance tunes you've heard fifty times, but I still like it. Yeah, I know it's Hillsong and that I work in ministry, which pretty much means that every one of their songs is my favorite worship song of all time, but this one is really good, I promise.
Labels: shameless endorsement
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I think that one of the coolest things that Steph and I get to do together is work with the college ministry here at FRC. Her work schedule is a little tough right now so she can't go as often as she likes, but when she's around, it really adds value to what I do. At least it feels that way to me.
I can remember talking to her on the phone as we were discussing different observations we had about our group. The whole time I was wondering what it was that I managed to get right along the way that allowed me to be here now, sharing the joys of a mutual passion with someone that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. This is one of my favorite examples of grace.
It's so different from what I expected it to be. Actually, that's not entirely accurate. I had no idea of what to expect.
I'd never been in a courtship before, never been in a relationship that had this much potential to glorify God in some serious ways, and I definitely had never been in a relationship with a woman who flat out told me that she was willing to submit to my leadership - which, if you're ignorant, sounds like a free pass, until you realize that the flip side of all that privilege is the responsibility to do the whole "love your wife as Christ loved the Church" deal ("With great power, comes great responsibility, Peter").
And it is a big deal. I told the guys in the small group this much, too. The day I figured out that growing up isn't something that just happens to you was one of the best things I ever learned, because it meant that I wasn't somehow excluded from manhood because I happen to be a knucklehead. It just meant that I had to learn a whole lot of discipline (I haven't watched cartoons in at least six months, for starters :)
It's a really big deal. I get to do something I love to do with someone I love to do it with, and we get to be a part of some seriously God-glorifying life change...I don't know that I've had many feelings like this one, this sense of rightness that is telling me that I'm on the right path, that yeah, it's a fight, but that by the grace of God I'm also a different person than I was a year ago. In this moment, it's tough for me to balance it well against all of the other really cool moments I get to experience on a weekly basis, so I don't think I'll be trying to make any comparisons right now.
For now, I'm just grateful that I've got Stephanie Sanchez, and that she's got me.
Labels: engagement, marriage, ministry
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Today will be a good day.
Today is my day off, which means it's wedding planning day!
I love Tuesdays....
Labels: engagement, update
What do these men have in common?
Well, besides the fact that they are a bunch of goofballs, they are also going to be simplifying their lives by selling a bunch of their possessions at the World's Largest Garage Sale this Saturday from 8 AM to 11 AM at all of our campuses!
It's all for a good cause, so if you're looking for some items from the Tinoco, Lashley, or Papichulo collections (also known as the "Ian gives himself funny nicknames" collection), they will be available for sale for a limited time only (three hours).
Be the first to own a Book Read By Mo! Prepare to exhuberantly rejoice at the thought of owning an actual Paperweight Phil Used Just Last Month! Be thrilled at the prospect of bartering for that shirt Ian Wore Once And Promptly Forgot About Until Last Week When He Found It In The Back Of His Closet!
Seriously, though, all the proceeds from the sale are going to the American Cancer Society, so if you're anywhere in South Florida or in Lima, Peru or near any of our other locations, be sure to check it out!
C'mon! Make your Saturday count for something huge!
We'll see you then!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
What I did this week
Well, besides running around like a maniac, continuing to plan a wedding, and all of the other myriad things that turn my days into blurs, I also managed to put this together.
Mad props to Phil for all the coaching...he'll make a motionographer out of me yet.
Labels: update
Friday, February 01, 2008
Soo....last night I took in my very first episode of Lost, which also happened to be the premier of season four. Better late than never, I guess.
Carlos & Michelle Garcia threw a Lost party, complete with Dharma soda, Dharma pizza, and yes, even Dharma Peanut Butter. Throw in an hour of Rock Band on X-Box and you've got yourself the place to be.
Labels: event, random thoughts
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
What are you doing reading this post??
The polls are open till 7 PM today, so stop reading my blog and get out there and vote! (And then you can come back and read it all you want :)
-sent from my iPhone (driving down Flamingo Road on my way to the polls)*
*Calm down, I was at a red light.
Labels: random thoughts, update
Monday, January 28, 2008
You asked for it...
I've gotten several requests to post this, so here is last week's giving video, in all it's satiristic glory. Enjoy!
Labels: random thoughts
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
The Equation
Multiply this by n, and let n be equal to every other week when we forget to close the bathroom door upstairs, and the result is that our local dry cleaner knows us by name.
Labels: event, random thoughts
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A Good Read
Every now and again, I find a good quote that I like to sit and marinate on for a bit, and occasionally - in my better moments - apply.
This week's quote is sponsored by the Christian Classics Ethereal Libray (notice the groovy link up there.)
Peep this:
Wherefore, if you see another sin openly or commit a serious crime, do not consider yourself better, for you do not know how long you can remain in good estate. All men are frail, but you must admit that none is more frail than yourself.
Some thoughts are able to find more traction in my head than others, and this is definitely one of them. Appropriately enough, the person who brings it to mind more often than anyone else is Stephanie.
If my fiancé has taught me anything, it's that I am way more selective in my personal application of Scripture (specifically in the area of good relationship practice) than I could have imagined before I met her.
For all you non-euphemism people out there, that basically means that I have lots and lots of room to grow. Maturity, Spiritual Leadership, Not sticking my foot in my mouth, you name it, and I probably need to work on it. Seriously, there's no cure for an overinflated estimate of yourself than spending large amounts of time with someone you're going to marry. It drove me nuts with frustration at first - I like getting things right the first time - but it's slowly starting to settle on me that learning how to love Stephanie is going to take at least the rest of my life.
This is a comforting (and slightly frustrating) thought.
The tricky part in all that, of course, is maintaining the understanding that I haven't arrived yet, and that I probably never will (not perfectly, anyway).
After all, the times I've landed myself in the worst messes were when I'd allowed myself to forget that. Which is why that quote is so helpful to me. I need reminders of my frailty, my tendency towards being Mr. Stupid rather than Mr. Right, not so that I'm beating myself down all day, but so that I'll be in the kind of frame of mind that will allow me to see and appreciate Stephanie for all that she is and even for what she isn't.
Knowing that I'm frail allows me to:
...approach her with gratitude, because I'm reminded that I'm hanging in here still by the grace of God and of Stephanie.
...focus on loving her PERIOD, rather than trying to "fix her" so she can love me better (which, by the way, doesn't work. Trust me.)
...realize that I need lots of and lots of prayer, because Mauricio is a bit of a dork and needs help.
...be ridiculously happy when I do get things right, because, now I know that it's proof of progress rather than a confirmation of how I think I have it all together.
Anyway, more on that later...the eyelids are getting heavy and I'm waking up in four-and-a-half hours to go get buff for my wedding.
Labels: exploration of self, marriage
Saturday, January 12, 2008
The finished product!
...and here is the end result of all the work from last week.
Apple Motion rocks...
Labels: ministry
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Reason Mauricio loves Stephanie #124
I woke up this morning and found the following text message:
Jan 10, 2008 2:46 AM
On my way home...I know ur asleep but just letting u know ur on my mind
...I think she likes me. :)
Labels: courtship, marriage, random thoughts
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Weekend Preview
We've been learning stuff this week!
Phil has been training me in the art of motionography, and so far it has been pretty sweet!
That being said, here's a preview of where we're headed with this weekend's giving video. It's way in the skeletal stages, but trust me, it'll look sick when we're done...sigh...I love my profession...
Labels: ministry, shameless endorsement
Monday, January 07, 2008
Adventures in Community
Okay, the pictures first, then the props.
My home group rocks.
Something really amazing and altogether unique happens each week when Stephanie, Heidy, Carson, Luis, Javier, Ryan, Matt, Jeff, Stacey, Stacie, Aimee, Leah, Aaron, Josh, Pablo, Eryn, Diana, Will, Evan, and I (and whoever else joins in) get together each Monday night; the best way to describe it is to say community happens.
Let me give a rundown of tonight, for example.
We started off like normal, all jokes and hugs and catching up with each other on what's been going on since the last time we all hung out, and then launched right into the meal. A little while later we were sitting together, everyone sharing about the kinds of lessons we all had learned in the past year. By the time we'd finished singing together in some acoustic worship (which is often the best kind) and talked over the second chapter of Ephesians, we'd been together for almost two hours, and no one was ready to leave.
That is so cool.
Anyway, I don't mention all that to talk up how great we are (tonight also included a neat little discussion on how none of us are all that important, but God loves us anyway), but simply to point out that community, while risky and very intimidating at first, is well worth whatever effort you have to go through to achieve it.
Trust me, it is. And while you're in the trusting mood, trust me again when I say that it is work.
Anytime a group of people get together, there are going to be issues, and we've got our fair share of them; what I love about us, however, is the fact that in spite of all of that, we're still here, and we're still committed, and I'm grateful for the grace that allows a group as diverse and weird as we are to grow together and to spend time asking the important questions.
that being said (WARNING: SHAMELESS MINISTRY PLUG AHEAD), if you're involved at all at Flamingo Road Church and you're not involved in a small group, then this is me wagging my finger at you and clicking my tongue in a very disappointed way. Shoot me an email or check out our website if you need info.
While I'm at it, if you're not plugged into a ministry, you should join one. Like the video team. We're amazing and we work for a guy named Heredes. With a name like that, you know it's got to be good. Also, according to this very blog we are dead sexy video men. Word up.
Okay, I'm done with the plugs. It's time to knock out.
The video team is going to the gym tomorrow morning at 6 AM, and I intend to stay awake for the duration of the work out.
Labels: ministry, random thoughts, shameless endorsement, update
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Thursday, January 03, 2008
So...we're here, about 140 days or so away from the big day (aren't you excited??), and it occurred to me that I haven't really talked about anything directly wedding-related in quite some time.
I've decided to share the theme of our wedding with you. Yes, you, dear reader.
the theme of the Sanchez-Tinoco wedding will be...PIRATES!
I have to admit, I was a little perplexed when Steph first informed me that this was what she wanted as our theme. The first image that popped into my head looked pretty close to the photo on the left over there, so reconciling that with the vision I had in my head of holy matrimony (which did not include George Bush with an eye patch) was a problem at first.
Fortunately for me, however, I'm learning to walk in the liberating truth that Mauricio is much happier when Stephanie is happy, which simplifies the decision-making process quite a bit in the wedding planning department.
...I'm sorry. I was momentarily distracted by that picture. I'm the one who put it there and I still think it's hilarious.
Labels: engagement, marriage, update