Tuesday, December 19, 2006

extreme excuses

Many apologies fro the extreme lack of posting. In the last two weeks I've been in Arkansas, have been finishing school (I had my last final Thursday), planning and executing video shoots and editing oodles of footage (Brian was out of town last week, so I was the guy), and also, let's not forget that I work at a church, which means that Christmas is a little nuts anyway.
There is just one last hurdle and after that I think that things will settle down a bit, and that is our annual Christmas services (semantic pondering of the day: it would be a little strange if they weren't annual. Could you imagine?)
The equation looks kinda like this:

9 videos + 2 video guys + 3 days to do them all = no sleep.
Or the taking of hostages, whichever Brian and I decide come Wednesday afternoon.

bring it on.

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