Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Lame post

Updates are coming...I promise...
For now, some quickies. Event-wise:

-Brian was out of town, so I was in the saddle for a whole week, working my heiney off (bet you didn't know how to spell that, huh?)

-Played guitar instead of saxophone this weekend. It was pretty sweet, especially on Holy is the Lord. I was like a brown Chris Tomlin.

-Stephanie has two big hairy midterms this week, so pray for her. Not that I'm worried about it, though; I've been helping her study for the last three days and she knows her stuff.

-Had Sunday dinner with some of my family for the first time since the last time (which was a while ago).

There. That should do for the moment. Once again, many apologies for being lame.
In depth socio-political introspection coming soon.

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