Thursday, February 22, 2007


Happy Thursday, everybody.
So far, so good; the weekend videos are coming along (stuff is rendering as I type this); Steph's got her second midterm today, which she's going to kick butt in; and Lent started yesterday, which in recent years I've started observing in my own life as a way of adding a bit more focus and intention to the days following Easter. It's really a kind of a beautiful tradition, if you're the kind of person that can separate themselves from a lot of the religious hang-ups associated with a liturgical season like Lent.
For our part, Steph and I decided to take advantage of the season on our own, putting into place a few small, but meaningful disciplines designed to point our hearts more towards Calvary than we probably otherwise would be on our own.

Last night we got to check out a really good restaurant over by A1A and the beach at the Lincoln Road Mall called Santo's along with some of her superiors from work. I think I may have had the best steak I've ever tasted, which made me glad considering the entrées were about 30 bucks a plate (yeah, it was that kind of a dinner). Obviously not a regular stop-in for a guy on a church salary, but as we drove home I couldn't help but be impressed that I'm marrying a person who can so easily blend in with so many different types of people.

Steph and I can enjoy ourselves just about anywhere, whether it's at Quizno's splitting a sub because we're short on cash, or networking with people who can actually afford to eat regularly at a place like Santo's. That's just neat to me. It says a lot about her strength of character and maturity that she gets invited to dinners like the one we enjoyed last night (and of course, I'm pretty glad that she's not embarrassed to bring me along, either).
My fiancé rocks!

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