Thursday, July 19, 2007

The date is set!

At long last, we have ourselves a wedding date!
It's a good feeling; Steph and I had been trying to pin this thing down since we got engaged last December, and now we all finally know for sure: Friday, May 23, 2008

So...that means I've got 10 months, four days, and 7 hours (give or take a few minutes) until I get married. Woohoo!

As for the location...I'll just leave you the picture as a hint :)


Anonymous said...

congratulation to you and your fiance
hope you guys don't stress to much with the preperation.

Mauricio said...

Thank you, my brotha!
I'm praying that we don't stress out, either...they say that getting there's half the fun, so we'll see :)

Carrie Ann said...

YAY! That is after I graduate from college!!!