Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Just when you thought you'd seen everything

The talking Jesus doll. I can't believe someone actually put together funds to produce this thing. And not just one of them, either; there are at least 4,000 of these dolls in existence. I am not making this up. Here is the article.
There are times when Christian sub-culture just mystifies me. Of all the things we could be spending money on (the blood:water mission, World Vision, International Justice Mission, etc.), we instead spend it on half-baked junk that only Christians will buy and that ensure that everyone else thinks we're a bunch of wackos.
As a side note, I also think it's kind of funny that the marines wouldn't take the dolls. To tell the truth, their reasoning makes sense to me in a way, but it all seems a bit too PC for me. If the toys are being given for free as part of a charity that obviously doesn't promote one religion over another, then I don't see how a talking Jesus doll could've caused them trouble.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to when the Mohammed doll comes out.

1 comment:

maltovermilton said...

what's most disturbing about this doll is that Jesus is RIPPED and he's got blue eyes.