Sunday, October 22, 2006


Man, I love Sunday afternoons.

I usually try to make it a point to schedule some time during the week when I can take time out to just be, and do. It helps me to remember that my life does not consists of just doing.
It feels especially good coming off of a weekend like the one we just had at Flamingo. Now that I think about it, wow. We are far from perfect, but, man, God is using us. He's doing some great things, and for some reason we get to be a part of that.
I sometimes forget to allow myself to really marvel at the facts before my eyes on a weekly basis, but I really need to.
I tend to be very task-orientated in my approach to life, and sometimes I get so lost in my little saxophonic world of notes and lyricism when I'm on stage that I let important epiphanies glide right past me. People met Jesus this weekend. They passed from death to life. How cool is that?

I think if there's one thing I don't like about the pace of my life (and I could probably say the same thing about the work ethic of Western culture in general), it's the hurriedness that tends to drag me away from the now and tempts me to blow past moments like the ones I experienced this weekend. Case in point: there'll be time to train for my recital later (I'm in good shape for it, just do you know I'm not being a slacker or anything. Right now ,though, I want to live in the moment.

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