Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Post Trunk or Treat thoughts

Ah, Trunk or Treat 2006 has come to a close. I was at our Doral campus, and man, you wouldn't have thought that it was only the first year we'd done it. From the comments I overheard from a bunch of the people there, I'm definitely anticipating that the event will at least double in size next year. Seriously, it was as much of a success as if possibly could have been, I think (and since I was running around the whole time either with a video camera or a saxophone, I'm pretty sure I know whereof I speak). A squad of firemen even showed up with one of their huge trucks, lights flashing and everything. Also, they were selling arepas, which is always a good thing.
Other reasons for why it went so well include:
- Kyle Johnson and Mark Varca, the dynamic duo, were running sound for our band, so we ended up sounding way better than we probably should have.
- I overheard one guy talking about how he was hearing about our church all over the place. "They're everywhere" was his exact phrase. (Beware. Wherever you are in South Florida, unsuspecting non-church-goer, FRC will find you and show you love. Muahahahah!)
- I didn't have to man my trunk (thanks, mom!)
- It didn't rain (this one bears repeating)
- it didn't rain
- Lots of people came who'd never heard of Flamingo and learned that we're not a bunch of weirdos (although there was that one pickup truck decorated as a very, very large Bible "turned" to John 3:16...just kidding)
-I got another FRC Staff T-shirt to add to my growing collection

So yeah, it was definite success. However, between filming, playing saxophone, and the hour and a half of practice time in put it after all was said and done, I'm about ready to keel over, so before that happens, I'm signing off. Goodnight, kids.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great to hear it was so successful Mo!

Eric's Binary World 2.0