Saturday, January 06, 2007

Insert thoughtful title here

It's very very late, so I'm not going to write much...

Steph and I attended a beautiful wedding tonight, which was especially unique because it was our first one as an engaged couple. We had a great time picking each other's brains throughout the evening, commenting on how we liked that detail or talking about how we wanted to incorporate this other one here, etc.
It is quite an amazing and almost unbelievable thing to me that I should be in the engagement that I'm a part of. I am absolutely floored by her presence in my life. There's not a much better way I can think of describing what's in my heart than this. The world owes me nothing. God definitely doesn't owe me anything. I did nothing to earn this. Yet here I am, walking beside a person who in so many ways is a walking picture of grace in my life (an incredibly hot walking picture of grace, I might add). I literally have a better view of the God I love that I wouldn't have had if I'd never met Stephanie.
When she tells me that she chose me, it reminds me that Christ chose me first.
Sometimes my eyes will find her across a room and suddenly it's like everything else stopped existing for a moment, and it's a reminder that I am the apple of God's eye and He loves me even more than that.
All I can do is love her the best I know how. I can't change her, can't force her to respect me (and if I were to try I would look like a complete idiot). All I can do is love. Her response is not up to me. All Christ does is love me, and invites me to respond.

Yeah, I said I wouldn't write much, but I got on a roll. It's really a neat thing how you could spend some really solid chunks of time unpacking all of the ways a courtship, an engagement, or a marriage can illuminate and deepen a person's walk with Christ (which is I guess why the church if called a Bride)

Anyway, none of this is new and is probably all written in books by guys much smarter than I am, but all the same, the joy of it for me is discovering it all for the first time as I take these steps with Steph.
Okay, now I'm going to bed for real

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