Monday, January 08, 2007

My first day off

Today I struck a blow on workaholism by having an actual day off...I had almost forgotten such a thing was possible, but sho' 'nuff, for one entire day, I managed to not do anything specifically ministry or work-related. I went to the gym with Stephanie, ate good food, prayed, slept for a while, wrote some messages to people that I haven't talked to in years, hung out with my roomates (which hasn't happened in some time) and in general took time to unwind and occupy my brain with something other than the list of all the things I have to get done this week.
It took me a good long while for me to really get behind the notion that having a day of rest really is a biblical concept, but I think I managed it okay. Like Rob Bell so eloquently put it, today was a day for me to remember that it doesn't all depend on me, that the universe will not fall apart if I am not running like a caffeine-addicted hamster on a wheel. Good stuff, my friends.

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