Tuesday, January 30, 2007

One day...

I will learn how to make the window my posts show up in wider...so far I haven't found an HTML primer on the web that isn't full of technical jargon I don't understand, but I maintain my hope that one day my blog page will be a little thicker around the mid-section.

Speaking of thicker around the mid-section, I found an article the other day that describes how a guy from Philadelphia lost 9 pounds just by playing the Nintendo Wii. I thought it was pretty cool when I read it, and so I mentioned it to Stephanie, who then laughed and implied that I was a nerd for knowing this. I patiently explained to her that no, I was in fact not a nerd, that the reality was that I just happen to be overly well-informed and I was merely attempting to fulfill my God-given mandate as the Spiritual Leader in our relationship by working to expand her horizons.

This didn't quite get the results I wanted, but at least my fiancé knows her man has a sense of humor.


Anonymous said...

I admit: I love my nerd! hee hee

Harrison said...

I don't think you're a nerd...
Ok, I do... but a cool one!

Brian Vasil said...

Thou art a nerd.

Mauricio said...

Love you guys. Thanks.